
Schooling Putin Sample

To make the deadlines I have I'm going to upload excerpts from my book. Any and all feedback is welcome! Welcome to Russia St. Petersburg, Peter the Great’s masterpiece. Founded in 1703, as Russia’s gateway to Europe and now she’s more Russian than her cosmopolitan counterpart Moscow. My flight landed in Moscow at 2 PM the next day. After I disembarked from the plane into Domodedovo airport I found a payphone and made a collect call home. “I'm in Moscow." "James? It's five o'clock in the morning. Are you ok, son? Are you in Russia?” "Yes, Mom. I'm OK.  I'm sorry I had to call collect, but my Blackberry is on the fritz.” "So, are you ready to come home yet?” “I have to go find the gate for my flight to St. Petersburg. It’s really difficult because all of these signs are in Russian,” I joked. "Call me when you get to St. Petersburg. Love you.” With a couple of hours to spare before my flight I grabbed a Russian lang...

Love My People

Some folks just ain't going to like you. You can't give your life to. Malcolm read his scripture, hoping you'd get the picture. The only one y'all recall is at the window with the rifle. Still can't get the picture. Framed in time--symptoms blind. Shame and a crime. Loving unconditionally is tricky. Bill Cosby tried that and is about to get twenty years. That's not a rape joke. Ultimately love has to push through. Unharnessed, visceral emotion that fills your chest and cheeks with electric passion. Getting in your feelings is bad. Living in your feelings is beautiful. Keeping pace and momentum in life is love. Love by example. For example, don't turn the other cheek--move forward. Hurt and hate are there no matter what. What matters is that they do not dictate direction. Love is taking losses with the same smile that comes in wins. Love is patient. Love is kind. Don't brag or boast. King James got poetic and very real. Can't force love b...

Angry Black Girl From Yale Pt. 2


More Opportunity Less Community

"I've come upon something that disturbs me deeply. We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win. But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house." MLK Back in the day, Black people stuck together, family names meant something, and our community thrived. Today, even as we are shot down in the streets by cops, passed on for job promotions, and constantly "code switch" to fit in with our white colleagues we continue to chase "opportunities" Family Reputation If the entire black community knew Eddie and Louise Greenwood were honest hardworking people then that honorable reputation extended to their children and grandchildren. If anyone in the Greenwood family did something wrong, word made it back to Eddie and Louise before sunset and the problem offspring was dealt with. Not all families were prim and proper. Some stole, lied, cheated, borrowed money and never return...

Creatives and Creators Unite

No matter what you do or what your interests are I'm here to help. If you draw, sing, dance, act, write I'm happy to work through your creative ideas with you. We all got group chats. Think of me as the person needed in every group chat. Not for content but I can take an average idea and make it next level.

Putin Is Killmonger

And Russia is Wakanda Russian's have successfully destabilized America through memes and internet trolls. They also have funneled money into divisive groups and organizations. What they getting close to doing is weaponizing the Blacks and other minority groups in America. Russia has never really made good stuff. They don't even have a nationally recognizable brand. But when it comes to weapons... Everyone knows what an AK-47 is. Russian's built that. Putin's new nuclear cruise missile is another example of Russian combat ingenuity. When I was over there they got some other really advanced stuff that could really mess around and start a revolution. All the "pro gun" advocates we hear are mostly puppets of Russians. Weaponizing the general population with typical firearms is phase one of their plan. Phase two: arm Blacks and other marginalized groups with vastly superior weapons. Can't stop a hand held plasma cannon with a shotgun. Yes, Ru...

Love's inspiration

Found the emotional content I been missing for a while now. Let's see if I can cook up something tasty to serve.